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miercuri, 3 aprilie 2024

Misterul timpului, autor Sal Rachele, 2019

Timpul curge doar inainte? Este posibila calatoria in timp? Poate fi schimbat trecutul? Exista un taram dincolo de timp? Cum difera timpul in alte lumi? Exista dimensiuni ale timpului diferite de ale spatiului? De ce pare timpul sa se accelereze pe masura ce varsta noastra creste?

Gandul creaza timp? Ce este memoria? Ce este atemporalitatea? Cum percep oamenii iluminati timpul? Daca este aproape imposibil sa se accelereze la viteza luminii (din cauza masei de repaus care tinde spre infinit), atunci cum se explica prezenta luminii in universul nostru? (n.n. Se explica simplu: fotonii nu au masa de repaus, ci doar de miscare, evaluata prin celebra E=mc2) A existat ea dintotdeauna? Cum a aparut lumina, daca nu ar fi pornit de la o stare statica de viteza zero? Ce forta sau stare a energiei a cauzat Big Bangul? (n.n. Dumnezeu) Ce a fost inainte? (Inainte de Dumnezeu tot El a existat.)
Scopul acestei carti este sa aduca lumina asupra unuia dintre cele mai putin intelese concepte din lumea de azi. Desi, toti par sa fie afectati de timp si lumea noastra functioneaza literal pe baza asa-numitului Timp Liniar, exista foarte putine explicatii ale timpului , care sa rezolve multele mistere ce il inconjoara.


luni, 5 aprilie 2021

Beneficiile uleiului de canepa (CBD) tahionizat in combaterea cancerului sunt profunde


Tachyon Cancer and Chemo Major Update:

Phase-III CBD Iso has proven to exceed our expectations.



Tachyonized Phase-III is a powerful CBD Isolate that has been 
reported to be extremely effective in diminishing Chemo side effects. 
Phase-III quick effects defy the need to explain anything about 
Tachyon, allowing you to focus on healing.

The benefits of Tachyonizing CBD are profound.

Reports from those in our chemo research project state that they
experience Tachyonized Phase-III as transformative. 
Reports of a higher quality of life, significant pain reduction, 
lower inflammation, and renewed energy are typical responses from 
the test subjects at this time.

Phase-III – Open Free one month supply Tachyonized Phase-III for 
qualified applicants.

*The project is still open to a limited number of participants.

If you or someone you love is currently suffering from the side 
effects of chemo, then we invite you to apply.

If you provide a written report/testimonial, we will provide the 
second month at half price. 
A third report will earn you a 2-month supply at half price.

Please become a part of changing the world.

*The product is free, you pay the standard nominal shipping fee.



Popular Tachyonized CBD Products


Tachyonized CBD Infused Panther Juice - 60ml


1100 mg CBD



Tachyonized Phase-III 30 ml.


2800 mg CBD



CBD ISO-15ML -700mg


1400 mg CBD



OS-H43 30ml


1400 mg CBD


Quick Log-In


marți, 14 iulie 2020

Noile produse tahionizate pentru contracararea efectelor negative ale retelelor 5G

5G Pendants    5G Cell Phone    5G at Home    5G in Car   5G at Work    5G in Bedroom   5G External Protection    5G Internal Protection 

Read More - Why Tachyon and 5G 

Ideea că „un singur produs face totul” va fi fără acoperire în lumea 5G. 

Pentru a prospera în lumea 5G, trebuie să ne elevăm sistemul energetic, astfel incat să devină un veritabil superconductor. 
Oferim instrumentele care vă ajută la atingerea acestui obiectiv.

Cercetările arată că utilizarea mai multor instrumente, care abordează potențialul negativ al retelelor 5G din mai multe unghiuri, creează un rezultat sinergic. 

În următorii 5-10 ani expunerea la 5G va continua să crească exponențial. Credem că singura soluție proactivă este de a deveni un superconductor. Nu există un scut de protectie.

sâmbătă, 29 februarie 2020

Ne vom ocupa in continuare de inversia curgerii timpului

Posibila la viteze mai mari decat viteza luminii pentru particulele fara masa de repaus si in legatura cu timusul.
Această glandă, timusul, este organul central al sistemului imunitar, plasat la doua degete sub scobitura superioara a sternului.
Timusul este foarte bine dezvoltat la nou-născuți și copii, iar odată cu procesul de creștere și de dezvoltare a organismului, în special după pubertate, involuează și se transformă în grăsime corporală. Este, așadar, primul organ din corp care îmbătrânește.

Cum ne face acesta fericiți? Păi, întâi de toate, neutralizează energiile negative din jurul nostru. Apoi întărește sistemul imunitar. Trebuie să mai știi că în timpul perioadelor stresante, glanda își reduce dimensiunile, antrenând astfel și diminuarea nivelului de energie pe care aceasta o produce.

Activarea organului fericirii

Atunci când punctul fericirii este activat, vei simți furnicături în tot corpul și, în plus, vei avea conștiința unei stări de fericire deplină. În funcție de persoană, aceste senzații este foarte posibil să nu apară imediat. Cu timpul, însă, prin exercițiu zilnic sau chiar de mai multe pri pe zi, aceste senzații se vor instala aproape instantaneu.
Stimulează-ți organul fericirii prin ciocanituri cu degetele sau pumnul ori de câte ori ești cuprins(ă) de atacuri de panică, anxietate sau stres.

Obiectele (cristale, discuri de Si sau pandantive) tahionizate purtate in zona timusului il stimuleaza.

În scurt timp, vei reuși să-ți regăsești echilibrul în viață.

luni, 2 mai 2016

Produse tahionice si curs online despre tahioni

1. Produse tahionice:

1.1 Discuri tahionice pentru telefon

Image 1
3 DISK KIT -- Numerous studies suggest long term use of harmful EMF emitting devices can cause serious ailments and disease. The hazardous electromagnetic field emanating from hand-held devices disrupts the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs) of the body and can cause major imbalances. Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disks transform these disruptive wave patterns of harmful EMFs into a coherent field protecting the user. Use on any type of mobile phone including cordless or a regular home phone and other small electronic devices––-tablets, iPads, iPods, Game Boys…any hand held electronic product. Powerful protection. Safe. Good for a lifetime.


The Tachyonized Micro-Disk transforms the disruptive wave patterns of harmful EMFs into a coherent, positive, life-enhancing field protecting you and your loved ones. With a Micro-Disk on your phone and electronic devices you do not need to limit your exposure!


Use the Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk on any type of phone including mobile, cordless and regular home phone, or on any small electronic device such as an iPod, iPad, tablet, Game Boy and hand-held palm pilots.


The Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk is available in singles, 3 pack or a family kit which contains 5 Micro-Disks.
The size of the phone Micro-Disk is 28mm or 1 1/16".


The Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk comes attached to a double-sided adhesive glue dot. Simply peel off the paper backing, exposing the side that says "Energy flows from this side". Place this energy side over the clean, dry surface of the phone's battery compartment.
Contraindications and Cautions:
1.2 Discuri tahionice

Silica Disk

Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disk 10cm  - The Choice of Health Care Professionals
Tachyonized Silica Disks are our workhorse product and our best-selling item.They can be used for a variety of things. They protect you from harmful electro-magnetic and cell phone radiation. They'll charge your water, herbs, supplements, fruits, vegetables and grains raising their energetic potential. Use them in your garden––they'll substantially improve the energy of the plants. They are extremely effective directional antennae for attracting Tachyon energy to a specific area. They are designed to be worn on the body to treat any injury and to help unbalanced organs return to their natural balance. They'll rejuvenate your immune system, align your chakras, and enhance athletic performance. The disks are made of pure silica material. Help yourself to optimum protection and prevention with our line of Tachyon Silica Disks.

1.3 Cocon

Image 1

Tachyonized Personal Cocoon ULTRA - 20 Minute, Vertical Integration Meditation System

1.3 Pandantiv mini-V - pentru aliniere Centri forta, armonie si conectare la divin

Image 1

Mini-V Pendant

The Mini-V Pendant is a breakthrough. I truly hope it rocks the world. It is a tool that will wake up your divine energy. It is so powerful I hope everyone wears one because they can change lives for the better.
What to expect:
A subtle shift as your system slowly integrate with the natural vertical invitation of the Mini-V's vertical flow. It is important that you give the Mini-V time to integrate within your system. As your system begins to harmonize and equalizes, there is typically times of joy for no reason, subtle, -yes, but after a while you will begin to notice a new or deeper sense of well-being. For many an attunement to who they are begins or deepens as they sense their power of being. For others, it is first noticed by the comments and reactions of friends and loved ones, as they notice something is different. However, you experience it, please do share. It is a tool that ignites or fuels your own inner divinity. Please do allow yourself time, as often it takes weeks to come to the point of recognition. For this reason, it is recommended to wear it every day, only removing it at nighttime.
Hello, i'm David Wagner, the inventor of the Tachyonization process. In 1985 I started teaching a process I named Verticality. As part of that process I created a very powerful pendant that I named the Vortex Pendant. It aligns your chakras, keeps you in an energetic state of balance and harmony, and connects you to the Divine. The Vortex pendant was originally created as part of the Pain Body courses I teach. It was too powerful to introduce to those who had not been predisposed to my workshops. My objective was to create a tool that everyone could use without having to take my advanced training programs.
Now, after many years of testing and research I have created the Mini-V pendant––a mini-version of the original Vortex pendant. Creating a pendant that would contain this supremely powerful energetic field took me years of research and testing. It is the only vertical pendant in the world that harnesses the most powerful energy in the universe. The energy comes from a crystal that is encased in a steel tube that has been hollowed out. While wearing it, your energy system is balanced and harmonious and you can be protected from electro-magnetic energy. When wearing it you will experience a much more balanced and healthy flow of energy throughout you system. The positive, life-enhancing experiences and testimonials from those who have been fortunate to wear the pendant have been beyond my expectations.
The pendant is virtually indestructible. The Tachyonized, perfectly cut crystal is encased in a polished steel vessel. The crystal, when worn, integrates the chakras and generates a sense of well-being and harmony relaxing you into your natural vertical flow.
I prescribe the Mini-V pendant for all ages, children included. Those who have worn the pendant claim they are experiencing amazing results. I was stunned at the positive impact it had on my son, who never wants to take it off it makes him feel so good.
Try one for yourself. Give them as gifts to your loved ones. Each pendant has a steel rod, which has been drilled out to hold the 12mm Vertical crystal. The word Vertical is printed on the highly polished steel tube. Each comes with a decorative spinning sleeve you can play with. The Mini-V comes with a velvet Tachyon logo bag.
2. Curs online despre tahioni - gratuit:
Free Tachyon Online Course

tachyon-inventor-david-wagn.jpgNote From David Wagner:
"For the past 25 years, using the Tachyon Holistic Wellness Workshops as a vessel, we have successfully educated an estimated 15,000 Health Care Professionals in over 30 Countries. Today, everything is shifting. We are each being called upon to assist in the transformation and enlightenment of this wonderful planet. I have been led to release globally the Professional Tachyonized Tool Set and the Holistic Wellness training. My intention is to expand consciousness universally. I know we each have our parts to play in the process of enlightening this planet. I am doing mine. Now, it is your turn. Know this, we are here for you!" David Wagner Read More
The course has been designed to elevate your awareness and teach you how to begin using the Professional Tools: TLC BARS™, Tachyonized VOGEL WANDS™, Tachyonized MASSAGE BARS™, Tachonized HYBRIDS™ AND MORE. All are available on this site.
Increase your knowledge and advance your understanding of the effect Tachyonized™ materials have on biological systems.
This step-by-step course will provide you with experience and techniques you need to begin accessing Tachyon's full potential in your life and the lives of your clients or loved ones. You will be able to immediately implement your new skills. This work blends perfectly with any and all previous modalities you may have already embraced.
Specifically, this course trains healthcare professionals and those on the path of self-care to reduce and/or eliminate their patients' pain, as well as training in treatment modalities for dis-ease and dis-orders. There is also an intensive course focusing on releasing blockages in the Energetic Continuum.
Become a Master of the TLC Bars, the River of Life and the Bifurcation Point as the energetic keys to an amazing "youthing" process. You will also learn about the other Tachyonized tools so that you can feel grounded using and prescribing them. In this course, you will evolve your ability to integrate the use of both the internal and external Tachyonized tools, which can accelerate movement towards a new level of well-being and rejuvenation.
If you haven't done so, please watch VIDEOS #1 to #6 to get a better understanding of the terminology and the amazing benefits of Tachyon.
Progress step by step through the sections to achieve maximum understanding.
  • Understanding Tachyon - See the Menu on the left or below
  • Main Tachyon Course - See the Menu or Click Here
  • Treatment Lessons with Videos - See the Menu or Click Here
*There are Tachyon Wholistic Wellness courses, as well as Vertical Reality courses taught worldwide. We encourage you, when you can, to attend these as part of your path.

Main Tachyon Energy Course

After you have watched all 6 videos,
you may then proceed to the actual course.
*There are Tachyon wholistic wellness courses, as well as Vertical Reality courses taught worldwide. We encourage you, when you can, to attend these as part of your path.


Increase your knowledge and advance your understanding of the effect Tachyonized™ materials have on biological systems
This step-by-step course will provide you with the experience and techniques to begin accessing Tachyon's full potential in your life and the lives of your clients or loved ones. You will be able to immediately implement your new skills. This work blends perfectly with any and all previous modalities you may have already embraced.
Specifically, this course trains healthcare professionals and those on the path of self-care to reduce and/or eliminate pain, as well as learning treatment modalities for dis-ease and dis-orders. There is also an intensive course focusing on releasing blockages in the Energetic Continuum.
Learn to master the TLC Bars, the River of Life and the Bifurcation Point as the energetic keys to an amazing "youthing" process. You will also learn about the other Tachyonized tools so that you can feel competent using and prescribing them. In this course, you will evolve your ability to integrate the use of both the internal and external Tachyonized tools, which can accelerate movement towards a new level of well-being and rejuvenation.


Tachyonized 3.25 inch (8.2 CM) Vogel Mini Wand
Image 1

Sacred Space Tools
$540.14 (You save $222.16)
(You save: 29%)

Product Description

A brand new Vogel Tool! I had a few of these Lab Grown Amethyst Vogels cut, for fun. So many people liked them, we choose to offer the ones we have and see what happens.

The Tachyonized Vogel has unparalleled power. Perfect for the highest level energy work or meditation.
There’s a story behind the development of the Vogel Wand. I first met Marcel Vogel around 1984. His research into the potential of quartz crystals fascinated me. We had many conversations, always ending with Marcel's assertion that cutting a crystal on its seed axis (C-Axis: Described in my book) did not enhance its power. Since I was a young boy I have been able to see energies move and I could see the powerful difference when a crystal was cut on its C-Axis. Significantly more powerful energy emanates.
I had been working with Drew Tousley, a Vogel master cutters for years, but it was not until Marcel left his body in 1991 did I truly begin to see the possibilities. I began having Drew Touseley cut all our Vogels from laboratory grown crystal, on the C-Axis. Once Tachyonized, this became the world’s most powerful crystal tool. So powerful, that I only sold them to professionals.
The results have been astonishing. Until now, because they’re so powerful, I have only allowed them to be used by therapists, bodyworkers, health practitioners, and energy medicine professionals whom were trained.
As you see, Everything has changed. And now I am here offering you training and opportunity. I've been led to introduce them to the world. Here is your chance to experience the health benefits of the world’s most powerful Tachyonized crystal.
The 3.25 inch (8.2 cm) X 12 sides, small and powerful.
We have different sizes available form the USA stock. Contact support with your desires.
The Tachyonized Vogel Wand has unparalleled power. Perfect for the highest level energy work AND meditation.
Plastic Display Base NOT Included.
Enjoy these videos from the Vogel Segment of: "FREE Online Pratitioner Course"
Tachyon energy changing lives, in action. The video is shot during a Vogel training course. The students are practicing different integration techniques.
If you look closely, you will see Tachyonized Vogels, Hybrids and TP-1000 in use.
A Note from David Wagner
david-1.jpgI share this in all workshops, face to face. But today I am sharing the insight here, with you.
All of these professional Crystal tools are hand polished on state of the art lapidary equipment. We do not use any faceting machines as our master cutters would lose connection with the piece they are creating, so it is standard to see minor cosmetic "freckles". Every single piece is unique - like you and me. I believe the freckles give the piece personality and character. Freckles never change the Tachyonization™ power or potential of this professional too.
Enjoy them as the gift they were created to be, transformational tools.

joi, 2 aprilie 2015

Despre seminariile Realitatea Verticală si Bunăstare Holistică Tahionică

David Wagner, inventatorul procesului de tahionizare

Eliberarea de corpul de suferintă

Realitatea Verticală VR101  este un curs intensiv de trei zile, in care aveti oportunitatea de a invăţa cum să vă constientizaţi ”alter-egoul”. 
Veţi  experimenta puterea de a fi in ”Momentul Vertical” si veţi percepe acest moment ca unul al iluminării.
In cadrul Realitatii Verticale (VR101)  printr-un proces numit  ”verticalizare” veti invăţa cum să vă aliniaţi cu natura si cum să accesaţi energiile fizice si subtile care există peste tot. Va avea loc o schimbare energetică in fiinţa voastră care vă va permite să  exploraţi puterea de integrare a intregii voastre fiinţe cu Tot Ceea Ce Este.
Este necesar un Pandantiv Vortex nivel 1:
-      cristal de cuarţ cu montura de argint sau  
-      cristal de cuarţ cu montura de aur      

Realitatea Verticală -Fericit(ă) fără motiv
Este o călătorie în inima fiintei voastre. Acest curs va aduce la lumină capacitatea voastră înnăscută de a vă eleva frecventa punctului vostru interior direct responsabil de experimentarea bucuriei. Acest curs poate fi urmat de oricine a parcurs primul curs VR 101. Pandantivul este de asemenea necesar.

Bunăstare Holistică Tahionică (THW) este un curs intensiv de 3 zile, unde veti deveni capabili să controlati durerea si sa utilizezi barele TLC, cele mai avansate instrumente tahionizate ale unui practicant. Veţi stăpani folosirea barelor TLC, veţi invăţa  despre ”Râul Vieţii” si veţi descoperi cum să identificaţi ”punctul de bifurcaţie”, precum si cheia energetică pentru minunatul proces de ”intinerire”. Ca  absolvent al acestui curs veti invată  să stăpaniti managementul durerii cu ajutorul barelor TLC, să utilizati instrumentele tahionizate specifice pentru organe si noile tehnici pentru eliberarea corpului de durere.
Acestea sunt cu adevărat ”instrumentele practicantului” si unele dintre cele mai puternice instrumente tahionizate disponibile.
Printr-o aplicare specifică a barelor TLC, veti transforma zonele cu deficit energetic ale corpului intr-un sistem de energie vibrant. 
Produsele tahionizate reprezintă o cheie de a trece de la haos şi stres la un mod de viaţă mult mai relaxat, integrat în armonia divină.
Ne aliniază la fluxul vertical de energie care ne străbate,  permitandu-ne ridicarea nivelului de constiinţă şi facilitand practica spirituală.
Pentru informaţii legate de aceste cursuri vă rugăm să telefonaţi la: 0745904166,      


sâmbătă, 7 martie 2015

Pentru cei care considera inca tahionul doar o particula virtuala

"Tachyons - They're not miracles, but they sure act like it"

Scepticilor le recomand lectura.
Please, enjoy:
Many of these articles and research synopsis are reprinted with permission from the UISCA Press.  
The UISCA Press is a department of the University of Integrated Science California.  
The University’s objective is to provide resources for investigation and research into all areas of human and planetary transformational science.  Enjoy the white papers linked below.
Research Articles



duminică, 24 august 2014

Efectul campului neo generat de produsele ultratahionizate asupra materiei vii

Aici veti gasi informatii despre neo-field: .

" These products are among the most powerful Tachyonized items available. Many individuals are using these power tools for meditation, healing, and charging. What an experience!

The Energetic Glue of the Universe Think of the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs) as the energetic glue of the universe. SOEFs create and maintain the energetic matrix from which all physical forms are made. Existing just below the speed of light, SOEFs have both form and energy. They can hold, gain, lose, resonate with, acts as a transducer and transmit energy. They are directly responsible for converting Tachyon Energy into the specific frequencies required to evolve, organize, and create perfect form."

Am un trandafir care se usca afectat de o boala ca un cancer, ce-i tesea pe frunze o panza fina de paianjen.
L-am tratat cu chimicale. Fara efect. Ii cazusera aproape toate frunzele. Cele ramase aratau ca se duceau si ele. 
Sotia nu-i dadea nici o sansa. Mi-a spus ca vom cumpara altul.
Mi-am amintit de neo-field. I-am pus 4 discuri ultratahionizate, l-am udat cu apa energizata cu celula tahionizata si si-a revenit spectaculos.
Iata imaginea dupa ce i-au dat ramurele noi:
Campul energetic subtil de organizare (CESO) este Campul Sursa al Macrocosmosului descris in Caietul taberei spirituale yoghine de vacanta Costinesti 2013, vol.2 si 3.
Este campul ce unifica spatiul tridimensional-timp unidimensional din planul nostru fizic cu spatiul unidimensional-timp tridimensional din planul eteric paralel. Este "energetic glue of the universe", adica ceea ce David Wagner ne-a facut accesibil prin uneltele ultratahionizate si prin seminariile lui, in care ne invata sa constientizam ca aceste unelte sunt doar carje pentru dezvoltarea CONSTIINTEI.
Doar oamenii care invata continuu au acces la Continuumul Spatiu+Timp al Macrocosmosului si microcosmosului.